Miyagi Prefecture Governor and AFAM President
Feb 18, 2022 – Today, as the President of AFAM, I was privileged to participate in a roundtable discussion with Miyagi Governor, Yoshihiro Murai, on the topic of how to create a better Miyagi where foreign residents can play an active role and where every foreigner can live with peace of mind and a sense of security.
I shared AFAM experiences, and appealed to the Governor to consider the following:
1. Introduce QR codes to all official paper documents to foreigners which upon scanning they could read up the information in any language of their choice.
2. Consider paying some stipend to foreign students with families to help offset expenses.
3. To promote the facilities in Miyagi Prefecture to the foreign community for their active use.
4. To provide more job opportunities in Miyagi Prefecture to increase the retention of foreign students in the Prefecture after graduation.
1. 外国人向けの公的な紙文書にQRコードを導入し、スキャンすると好きな言語で情報を読み取ることができるようにする。
2. 家族を持つ外国人留学生に、学費を補うための奨学金の支給を検討する。
3. 宮城県内の施設を外国人コミュニティーにPRし、積極的に利用してもらう。
4. 留学生の卒業後の県内定着率を高めるため、宮城県内での就職先を増やすこと。